Features of Need for Speed Most Wanted 2012 PC Racing Game

Jumat, 07 Februari 2014

Features of Need for speed Most Wanted 2012 PC Racing Game
Credits: www.needforspeed.com

Do you know about the features of need for speed most wanted 2012 PC racing Game? Need for speed is one of the best racing games which give real racing situation with amazing graphics quality. It is developed by Criterion games and published by Electronic arts. Need for speed most wanted 2012 is the 19th version of need for speed series which contains the real time driving experience with many features are included as compared to other versions. It works well in Microsoft windows, Xbox 360, Playstation 3 etc.

System Requirements

  • Operating System: Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 (Both 32 and 64-bit)
  • Processor: Core 2 Duo 2.4 GHZ or Atlhon X2 2.7 GHz or higher
  • RAM: 2 GB
  • HDD Space: 20 GB
  • Graphics Card : ATI RADEON 3000, 4000, 5000 OR 6000 series, with ATI RADEON 3870 or NVIDIA GEFORCE 8, 9, 200, 300, 400 OR 500 series with NVIDIA GEFORCE 8800 GT or higher
  • DirectX: 10.0 or higher
  • Soundcard: DirectX compatible

Let’s see the features of need for speed most wanted 2012 PC racing game.

Need for speed most wanted 2012 is developed by criterion games with more real situation gaming experience and high graphics quality. This game has three main pledges are “Connected Open World, Find it and Drive it, Make Trouble “. Need for speed most wanted 2012 contains races, police chases and explore the vast connected open world with incredible access of new cars etc. It also follows the same game play of previous version of most wanted game. But there are some modifications and improvements like access of incredible cars, parts and performance gifts etc.  

Credits: www.needforspeed.com
 Need for speed most wanted 2012 one of the main feature is Jackpot cars. Most wanted world is like an open world which contains many cars hidden in different places. Players can easily find the jackpot cars and uses for any races. Different race modes are sprint, circuit, Speed runs, ambush races etc. We all well know about sprint, circuit and speed run racing types. Ambush race contains the evading the cops units. When starting the ambush race, player is surrounded by cops units and when the player evading cops units the race will end. All races are available in different difficulties like easy, medium and hard.

Another cool feature is the 10 most wanted racers list. Player can increase the bounty points and then only most wanted races are available. Player must win the most wanted race in first position and shut down the opponent. Then player can access the opponent’s cars. High security cops units are one of the interesting feature of need for speed most wanted 2012 pc racing game. 

Credits: www.needforspeed.com

Like other series of need for speed modifications of cars are also available in most wanted 2012. Long gear packages, off-road packages and reinforced chassis are the available modification packages. Up grading to long gear packages helps to increase the torque and also increase the top speed up to 40 mph. Off-road packages contains the tires and suspension system which helps to get better off-road performance. Reinforced chassis give strength to body parts and helps to fight against the heavier and tougher opposition.

Need for speed most wanted 2012 have a non- stop multiplayer feature which contains races, speed testes, unique challenges etc. Multiplayer races have no rules and no restrictions. We can enjoy the racing games with our friends using this multiplayer feature of most wanted 2012.

Most wanted 2012 is a wonderful game which has nice game play with great graphics quality. It is one of the best racing games in 2012 which gave most real time driving experience with more entertainment and a lot of fun. 

Screenshots of Need For Speed Most Wanted 2012

Credits: www.needforspeed.com
Credits: www.needforspeed.com
Credits: www.needforspeed.com


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